Tips for Firmer and Upright Breasts

The problem of sagging breasts after birth or the effect of gravity, breastfeeding, childbirth, weight gain, aging, deterioration of skin elasticity, and genetic structure may cause the problem of breasts being too small or too large. Different methods can be used to solve these problems and have firmer and upright breasts.
For Firmer and Upright Breasts;
Lie on your back on a bench or bed. A weight of 2.5 kilos is taken in two different hands and the weights are lifted upwards. It should be done 10 times with up and down movements like flapping wings, but 3 times a day every other day. The muscles in the armpits and around the chest will show their effect in an average of 1 month with this exercise.
What is needed for this is natural extra virgin olive oil.
Lie on your back on the bed and place a few under the back. A little olive oil is applied to the breasts in the form of circles with a massage movement. Excess olive oil can be wiped off, but it would be helpful if a little oil remained. Since oil gives elasticity to the skin, this application can be applied 3 times a day.
Breast aesthetic operation
If the person has a small breast problem, a prosthesis is placed under the breast to solve this problem, and implants containing prosthetic silicone or non-silicone materials are used. Thanks to the technology that is advancing day by day, the implants placed in the chest are now cannot be noticed. The silicone-free implant is placed in the lower part of the muscles.
Firmer and Upright Breasts; Considerations After Breast Lift Surgery
Breast lift surgery is one of the best ways to have firmer and upright breasts. Here are some considerations you should know after breast lift surgery. After breast lift surgery, sagging may occur again with breastfeeding. But this sagging varies from person to person, it occurs due to genetic structure.
Breast prosthesis operation takes approximately one hour and breast lift operation takes 3-4 hours. After this operation, the person uses a bandage for a few days. Then she just wears a corset. After the operation, the person recovers in a day or two and can continue her daily life from where she left off, but the patient should not do sports for about two months.
Sagging After Breast Lift
As people age, the muscles in the tissues become weaker. For this reason, as the breast tissue will lose its volume from the age of 40 in women, the muscles weaken, and sagging occurs. The sagging of the muscles can be solved by 2 methods; breast implant, breast lift.
The sagging of the breast tissue becomes worse than fibrotic. Breast lift operation is usually considered when sagging progresses. But it needs immediate intervention since sagging and damaged breasts can cause psychological problems. With these interventions, anyone can have firmer and upright breasts.
Post-Operation Scars
Breast aesthetic surgery for firmer and upright breasts does not leave scars as before. Scars can be closed by shrinking the skin. Skin rash etc. In its formations, it can be destroyed with a laser in a few sessions.
Breast Lift Operation and Cracks in the Breast
Since the skin can only be removed from the area under the nipple with surgery, the cracks in and around the nipple cannot be removed.
Are Scars Make You Feel Uncomfortable After Breast Lift Surgery?
After breast lift surgery, small scars of up to 3.5 cm are left in people who have a prosthesis placed. But this trace is not irritating as it is not visibly exposed. I, L, or T-shaped scars may remain depending on the method of the people whose skin is recovered on their breasts. The scar around the nipple is not very obvious due to the color tone difference. The line from the nipple to the bottom disappears quickly. One year after the breast lift operation, the scar is not very obvious. Since the line will remain on the lower side, it is not visible when viewed from the side.
Breast Operation Problems
There may be bleeding, blood accumulation in the tissue during or after surgery. A slower recovery may be due to diabetes, excessive smoking, or genetic reasons. Different techniques are applied to these patients.
Breast lift operation is a successful way to have firmer and upright breasts. Milano Clinic, with its experienced and talented surgeons, offers patients who want to have a breast lift operation a quick and affordable way to have their dream breasts. You can contact us for more information!
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